CSTUG Přednáška Sebastiana Rahtze dne 5. 11. 2002 v Brně

Dobrý den,

dne 5. 11. 2002 14.00--15.00 přednese v rámci Informatického kolokvia FI MU

v posluchárně D2 FI MU, Botanická 68a, Brno

pan Sebastian Rahtz (Oxford University Computing Services)


Guidelines for electronic text encoding and interchange


The Text Encoding Initiative's Guidelines for electronic text encoding and interchange were the result of an extensive international research project, which aimed to provide exhaustive recommendations for the encoding of key features in literary and linguistic textual materials. These recommendations take the form of a modular, XML and SGML-based, architecture in which DTD fragments and documentation are combined according to user-specified requirements.

Are we content, however, with just a set of guidelines and an XML DTD? This talk will address the question of the infrastructure we need to build around the TEI, including:

  • Modelling of markup constraints in more sophisticated
  • languages than DTD (eg schema)
  • Inclusion of non-TEI markup in different namespaces (eg. MathML)
  • Database retrieval, transformation, and publishing systems capable of handling TEI markup
  • Additional markup and guidelines to facilitate the use of the TEI as an authoring DTD
  • The aim will be to show that the TEI's qualities of being non-prescriptive, rigorously defined, extensible, and its good infrastructure, make it a candidate for a universal interchange language.

    Všichni zájemci jsou srdečne zváni.

    Petr Sojka
    ve zprávě veřejnosti

Poslední změna: 6. 12. 2004. Připomínky na: www-admin@cstug.cz. (c) 2002 CSTUG